Monday, May 19, 2008


so like many of you out there i like to pick up a copy of wired in the airport every now and again and see where gadgetry on the mass consumer level is heading and maybe check out some new buzz... i was completely blown away by (i think it was the march issue) of wired article on autism including a talk with amanda baggs. i have followed autism ever since i can remember in part because i am mystified by savants, in part because i spent some really beautiful moments with some autistic friends in my late teens and in part because i have felt certain members of my family exhibit certain characteristics that are often equated with autism. while i talk plenty and many autistics don't, i still feel widely misunderstood or that i can't properly communicate my thoughts very well. in the past i have used sticks, cardboard, tape, food, and glue for the most part to explain a lot of what goes on but its a constant struggle i think for most of us. so this video is called 'in my language' by amanda baggs and well... i think it pretty much speaks for itself:
go amanda. thank you so much for making this beautiful piece and allowing many of us who aren't the best communicators insight into your life.

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